Sunday, February 05, 2006


It is pretty lame that the sole reason I will be watching the Superbowl today is for the commercials. At least I admit it. I have TiVo and so I ban commercials every other day of the year except for the day the advertisers are supposed to put some effort into it.

My all time favorite superbowl commercial series of the past was Reeboks Terry Tate. Funniest. Commercials. Ever. (Terry Tate goes around the office smashing office workers who commit various office misdeeds, like forgetting to include cover pages.) If you click on that link up there, it should take you to it. If it doesn't, OR if you want to see ALL the Terry Tate Reebok commercials, go here. Now that I saw those, I am going to be jaded for all the new ones today.

Another favorite of mine was Budweiser's "Travashamockery" where the politician was having a debate with a horse. "He's got blinders on!" LOL.


Kim Fernandez said...

The commercials are the only reason I ever watch the Superbowl!

Emily said...

LOL I love those commercials...

I look forward to Superbowl commercials for weeks...I even make sure to potty at the begining of a play so I don't have to worry about missing any when I am