Monday, August 16, 2021

 Soooo I just found this blog after approximately 8 years of being away from it. A lot can happen in 8 years...  

I never got the Mayor from Halloween Town finished.  Hes been cut out of plywood and sitting in my garage this whole time.  Suffice it to say its been a busy 8 years.  

Since my last post here, my husband passed away. I am a Widow.  Worst thing I have ever had to endure was telling each of my kids that their father had died.  It was a literal trauma in and of itself. It seems self centered writing that I feel pain thinking of my childrens pain but that's exactly what it is.  They have each endured through this loss in different ways and none of them enviable. But we are pushing through, together, even though some days are a lot more of a struggle than others.   

I see somehow that this blog has been looked at almost 300 times in the past few months which I can only presume has to do with my Nightmare Before Christmas Halloween tutorials.  For this reason I may upload whats going on at the house this year, though its not likely to be NBC related.  (It might be, but the Frightful fountain has lost both its base as well as the green straw "vomit" and I havent checked on Jack Skellington in a few years. One of my sons basically tore through the garage and a lot of my decorations were ruined in that process. I will hopefully repair them at some point, but probably not this year. 

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